What is an areola tattoo?
An areola tattoo is the tattooing of an areola and nipple for cosmetic purposes. This can restore confidence for women who don’t like the look of their breasts after breast cancer removal or reconstructive surgery. Medical tattooing has been done for years for women who have been faced with the removal or disfigurement of their breasts.
In addition to creating the appearance of an areola or nipple, this tattooing procedure can also be used to hide scarring on the breasts or change the shape of the areola, often larger, for better symmetry. During a consultation appointment with Dr. Christine Fisher, women can speak to her about their unique needs and desires to determine what treatment is appropriate to achieve the look they want.
Other tattooing and reconstructive options for the breasts
There are other aspects of the breasts that may be addressed by Dr. Christine Fisher, including:
- Nipple-areola simulation
- Nipple reconstruction with areola tattooing
- Scar camouflage
- Adjustment to the size/color of the areola
Speaking to a plastic surgeon professional is the first step in ensuring access to the procedures you need to achieve the results you desire. Our team respects a woman’s privacy and understands the difficult process women go through when they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The caring and committed team at Austin Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery can help make the process a little easier and a lot less stressful.
Feel more confident in your appearance with the team at Austin Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
If you reside in the area of Austin, TX and want to speak to a professional about your options for areola tattooing after reconstructive surgery, call the office at 512-815-0123 to request an appointment. Dr. Christine Fisher can assist by providing information to help patients make an educated decision whether to undergo this treatment.