Ease of making appointments by phone *
This field is required.
Appointment availability within a reasonable amount of time *
This field is required.
Getting an appointment as soon as you wanted it *
This field is required.
The efficiency of the check-in process *
This field is required.
Waiting time in the reception area *
This field is required.
Waiting time in the exam room *
This field is required.
Keeping you informed if your appointment time was delayed *
This field is required.
The courtesy of the person who took your call *
This field is required.
The friendliness and courtesy of the receptionist *
This field is required.
The caring concern of our nurses/medical assistants *
This field is required.
The helpfulness of the people who assisted you with billing or insurance *
This field is required.
Ease of scheduling surgery *
This field is required.
Our Communication With You *
Your phone calls answered promptly *
This field is required.
Getting advice or help when needed during office hours *
This field is required.
Explanation of your procedure *
This field is required.
Effectiveness of our health information materials *
This field is required.
Our ability to return your calls in a timely manner *
This field is required.
Your ability to contact us after hours *
This field is required.
Your ability to obtain prescription refills by phone *
This field is required.
Your Visit With Your Surgeon *
Willingness to listen carefully to you *
This field is required.
Taking time to answer your questions *
This field is required.
Amount of time spent with you *
This field is required.
Explaining things in a way you could understand *
This field is required.
Instructions regarding medication/follow-up care *
This field is required.
How well your pain was controlled *
This field is required.
The thoroughness of the examination *
This field is required.
Courtesy with which the doctor took time to listen to you *
This field is required.
Hours of operation convenient for you *
This field is required.
Overall comfort *
This field is required.
Adequate parking *
This field is required.
Signage and directions easy to follow *
This field is required.
Your Overall Satisfaction With *
The practice *
This field is required.
The quality of care you received from your doctor *
This field is required.
Would you recommend this practice to others? *
This field is required.
Is there any way we can improve our services to you, please tell us about it:
More Information About You:
Your age *
This field is required.
Are you *
This field is required.
Were you being seen for *
This field is required.