
Am I Too Old to Want Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

The decision of whether or not to undergo breast reconstruction is a highly personal one. Breast reconstruction surgery can be an empowering option for breast cancer patients hoping to restore both the look and feel of their breasts following a unilateral or bilateral mastectomy...

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What is Hybrid Breast Reconstruction?

Undergoing a mastectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis can be a challenging experience, both physically and emotionally. For many women, choosing to restore one or both breasts via a reconstruction procedure can feel like a celebration of recovery and restored health. Breast rec...

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Just Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: What Comes Next?

A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, your mind racing with questions about treatment options. You are not alone in your feelings, fears or questions. One in eight women in the United States is expected to develop breast cancer at some point in her life, and there are cu...

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APEX Flap vs. DIEP Flap Reconstruction — Is There a Difference?

Recently, our practice received questions from a breast cancer patient about a seemingly “new” type of living tissue breast reconstruction, coined the “APEX flap.” But is the procedure any different from the DIEP flap breast reconstruction Dr. Christine Fi...

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State-of-the-Art Breast Surgery Center Opens

Dr. Christine Fisher Observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month at New LocationAustin, TX — Renowned breast reconstruction surgeon Dr. Christine Fisher has a new location in Austin, just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. As a plastic surgeon specializing in...

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Radiation And Tissue Expanders: What Should I Know?

Sometimes, a breast cancer patient will be offered radiation in addition to surgical therapy to give her optimal opportunity to avoid recurrence of her cancer. Radiation is typically delivered only to the breast and armpit area on the side of the cancer.While undergoing treatment...

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I Have Been Diagnosed With The BRCA Gene. What Are My Options?

Evidence that identifiable genetic mutations could increase woman's risk of developing breast cancer was first demonstrated in 1990 in Berkeley, California. This discovery led to the concept of hereditary breast-ovarian cancer syndrome with, in the case of a BRCA gene...

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Choosing Between DIEP Flap and Implant Breast Reconstruction

Choosing what manner of reconstruction to undergo after mastectomy, DIEP flap or implant breast reconstruction, is a personal and sometimes difficult choice. Sometimes, your doctor will shepherd you towards one selection and sometimes you will be good candidate for multiple choic...

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