Why monthly facials are important for great skin?
Summertime can be harsh on the skin. UV damage and wrinkles from sun exposure, rosacea from hypersensitivity, breakouts from sweating, and dryness from dehydration are common issues during the summer months in Texas when we're spending a lot of time. It may be time to stop...
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Is it Safe to Undergo Facial Laser Treatments in the Summer?
Sun damage is the skincare enthusiast's worst nightmare, and with good reason. The havoc that UV rays can wreak on the skin’s appearance and function runs deep. It not only causes skin sagging, brings out dark spots and exacerbates scarring, but it also disrupts skin...
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“You Look Like a Movie Star” — A Bride-to-Be Gets Glowing Skin for her Wedding Day
When Kristin's boyfriend of five years proposed, she was shocked — in a good way.“We had discussed and sort of dismissed the idea of getting married in the past,” said Kristin. “It really wasn’t important to either one of us, I thought! We wer...
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Staff Picks – Skincare Products We Love: SkinCeuticals’ Vitamin C Serum
This blog is written by Sandy Lanier, PA-C who specializes in all things skincare including injectables, lasers, chemical peels, microneedling, and other non-surgical aesthetic treatments. It is part of our Staff Picks Series, where we highlight the medical-grade skinca...
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